Stranger Things 3

So, I just finished watching stranger things 3 on Netflix. It’s always fun to spend a day binge watching a mutually entertaining show with your wife and fourteen year old. Lots of snacks, fluffy pillows and no cell phones! Perfect way to spend a Friday night.

As for the show, ST3 delivers an full package of character development, thrills and excitement. We get to see the people we grew to love in season one get a little older and deal with more mature content and experiences while still trying to hold on to the friendships that were forged. A few barley used characters had an opportunity to shine this time around. The most interesting and entertaining is Erica, a ten year old sassy girl with a potty mouth backed by untapped intellect and style. Giving this girl more screen time was a great idea, and the entire show was more entertaining for it! I won’t go into details about the show and spoil anything, buy needless to say it was a fun ride.