The next “New” thing

The next new thing, and you can quote me on this, will be VR Social Media. I can picture sitting in my living room, but immersed in a virtual vacation for an hour with a group of friends. You can be anywhere, anytime, with anyone. wear whatever you can imagine. Be whoever you want to be. With VR Tech now a reality, such as Oculus Rift and HTC, the possibilities are endless.

I recently received my Samsung Gear VR Headset that pairs with my Galaxy S7 Edge. I was amazed at how well it works. I’m sure the “real Vr headsets are far superior, but the experience I had with this headset was very positive.

A few negative aspects were a distinct blurry texture at times as well as some uncomfortably with some apps. But the positive aspects were HUGE compared to that.

I can imagine some social apps being used to have VR settings and interactions. Its a new world!


  1. nickcampanella56 · May 18, 2016

    I love this idea being able to go somewhere with your friends without leaving your house. It is interesting but will it truly give you the same experience as being there? I’m sure we are years away from this type of technology being tested and perfect but I do not know if it will be better than being at the destination.

  2. David A Barr · May 18, 2016

    I too believe that the VR headset is going to be applied to social media and will eventually become the next new thing. Especially with the new technology conventions coming such as E3, I can see VR headsets being pushed into consumer markets more heavily.

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