
Creativity is the backbone of humanity. It is the ultimate gift bestowed upon mankind. Creativity gives us everything we find enjoyable in life. Music, food, movies, Art, theater. These are but a few venues that are completely reliant on creativity. Even from the beginning of time, creativity has catapulted Humans as the top of the food and evolutionary scales. From clothing to keep us warm in harsh climates to tools to allow us to hunt. Creativity is the sole reason for our survival.

In today world of hyper speed computers and technologies that change in seconds, creativity has evolved. The processes of creating something have changed. Became faster and more complex. The ability to take two different things, like for example a mash up of a Disney cartoon to a popular song, such as what was done on you tube in 2007 in the article:

Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?

has made for thousands of popular and interesting videos. Entertainment has changed. The way we consume media has changed dramatically. Big companies, such as Disney, have held their properties and characters in a tight grip against outside use since its inception. But they allow these type of uses. Why? Because in actuality, if this type of video goes viral, it a a huge form of advertising that cost them nothing.

Even companies such as Twitter are smart enough to utilize its users creativity. Noted from the article:

Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers

The company changed from its bare bones services of 140 character “tweets” to offering the ever popular Re tweets and Lists. These additions were all outsourced from the creative minds of the people that count. The users!

Through all these advancements, a larger population of people are able to explore, and generate things creatively. A question that I ask is, are the things being created holding the same quality of the types of art and creative venues of the past, or has a lot of the creativity been watered down by technology? That’s for you to decide.

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