Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

For many people, the stresses and limitations life has presented can be crippling. In fact, some of these limitations are in fact, physically debilitating, such as multiple sclerosis, or palatalization. In some cases, you have mental or emotional limitations, such as anxiety or phobias. In a world that already has so many obstacles and creates so much isolation, one may ask, how does one cope? Even your every day Joe going back and forth to work day in and day out, constantly yearning for a break from reality and the responsibilities it piles on you. Sure, there are hobbies one might take up, such a s knitting or collecting cards, but what else is there. Well, there is a whole new world out there as we speak. In fact, there are many. Virtual worlds such as second life is one of the largest of these worlds. It offers people who want to escape form reality an opportunity to do just that. Cant walk? Fly. Cant interact with people? Be a social butterfly in second life.

As technology evolves, additions such as Oculous rift add an entire new layer of realism so the experience. Now, I say realism with a grain of salt, however to many people, these worlds ARE their real worlds. These are the places they go to be the person they can not be in reality. But are these virtual worlds just a time killer or a waste of time. Jackie Morie, A virtual world designer in Telehealth care does not think so. In here interview with Diane Mehta of Forbes, she goes on to say “First we need to look at them critically to figure out what kinds of advances they can offer us. You can use virtual worlds in education, in delivery services, or as an advanced form of First we need to look at them critically to figure out what kinds of advances they can offer us. You can use virtual worlds in education, in delivery services, or as an advanced form of Telehealth that offers so much more than videoconferencing. Virtual worlds can give us social connectivity, built-in support groups, and ways to avoid ever being alone again. that offers so much more than videoconferencing. Virtual worlds can give us social connectivity, built-in support groups, and ways to avoid ever being alone again.”

Second life is far from the only virtual world. You have game style virtual worlds such as World of Warcraft, Mine craft, Grand Theft Auto, and many Many more. Virtual Lower East Side is another virtual world that is gaining popularity. Sometimes, as David Itzkoff of the New York Times states, Its better than the real life experience. He goes on to say “I didn’t have to contend with bouncers, foul odors and unknown substances on my shoes.”Itzkoff lives in the lower east side, but goes on to say the in many instances, he prefers to visit the area that is physically just a few steps away, right from the comfort of his home computer.

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