Social Networking Sites

In this day and age, to not be a part of some sort of social networking site is almost unheard of. Teenagers, Parents, Grand Parents and even some people cats have their own social page, be it Twitter, Facebook, Snap Chat or Instagram. In many ways, through social sites, he internet has changed the dynamics of human interactions.

Snap Chat in my opinion is the most fun of the four discussed social sites. Its relatively easy to use, allows you to post  a few seconds of video, and then conveniently (for those who do embarrassing videos while drunk) deletes them after a set amount of time, I believe 24 hours. It also allows for chat, which also deletes over time and is unable to save. Many people find this very convenient. Your snaps are uploaded to your “story” and anyone who is a friend can view them once.

Twitter, to me, is my least used social app. I find it very confusing and maybe its just due to my dislike of it. Twitter allows you to post small posts of about 125 characters at a time called “tweets”. It always seems to me like twitter can never find its soul, and I only use it lightly. I may expand on this later and I’m sure many people reading this are disagreeing with my writing but oh well. Tis life.

Instagram is the simplest to use. Take a picture, use any filters you want (or None) and post it. You can comment on pictures and even upload small videos. Its easy to use, and very addictive. You can “like” pictures by simply tapping them.

Facebook is the monster of the four. It has a wealth of content and user abilities than can range from simple to in depth. It is a place where old people can see pictures of their family that never visits. You can blog, post videos, advertise your business, and so much more. It is also the widest used social app, and what I called a few years back, the “Myspace killer”. Facebook is the dominant social app, and the others have niche concepts that keep them used, but nothing has replaced Facebook yet.

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